- Consider using Breathing/Stretching Exercise(s) while listening to music
- “4-7-8” – rest the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, right behind your top front teeth. Now breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7 seconds, exhale for 8 seconds (“natural tranquilizer for the nervous system.”) REPEAT 4X
- HERE are Healthline’s 10 Breathing Techniques for Stress Relief and More
- Diaphragmatic Breathing video (UCLA)
- Alternate nostril breathing
- Meditation Music
- 10 minutes 3 hours
- Flute music
- for meditation/sleep – Native American (7 hours)
- for calmness – Bansuri (2 hours)
- Healing meditation music/sleep – 7 hours total
- For Positive Energy / Full Body Healing
- Deep Healing for Body & Soul – 7 hours total
- Emiliano Toso: (reco from Italy experiences)
- 432Hz Music for Cells, Healing, Relaxing by Bruce Lipton | Musica per Rilassarsi (30 minutes)
- 432Hz Music – Relaxing Piano, Guitar, Cello | Music for study, focus and concentration (30 minutes)
- Interview with John Stuart Reid about sound therapies
- 440 (standard) vs. 432 (slightly flatter pitch) explained
- It’s the Hertz – cycles per second – of A above middle C
- different symphony orchestras use differing levels
- Here’s a tone generator if you want to hear the difference
- “Tune it ’til it hurts (Hertz)” – thanks to Ted Martin, for that grin! 🙂
- It’s the Hertz – cycles per second – of A above middle C
- Translational Music “Music translates universal vibrations which create psychophysical and emotional well-being, favouring cellular homeostasis and the harmony and health of our body. Translational Music is used to reduce stress (the cause of most diseases) and pain in nursing, teaching, healing and educational environments.”
- Translational Music Playlist HERE
- Random Play of Christian Playbook YouTube music HERE
- Celtic Music
- Music Heals the Heart with Winter Scenes HERE
- Body Scan
- Body Scan explained (do in a few minutes or more; link has 30-minute video)
- with Jon Kabat-Zinn (30-minutes) ; (45-minute Stress Reduction)
- Louise Hay – Heal Your Body Meditation (Lisa B. reference of Louise)
- Garden Walk:
- English Garden: One hour with nice visuals, no talking, rainy day noises
- Conversational 7-minute (click on video link); 25-minute
- Gregorian Chants
- MWPC meditating with Marcie
- Daily Calm – 10 minute meditation on YouTube
- “12-minute Meditations” – really more like 10 minutes after some “advertising chatter” 🙂 (choose from a variety of options – from Mindful.org)
- Cultivate Attention (begins at 2:45)
- You Are Enough (starts at 2:20)
- Deep Rest Meditation (discussion about importance of this practice starts around 2:30; practice begins around 7:30)
- Contemplative Sit with Brian McLaren (14 minutes)
- Calming Meditation (used at ATSC Memory Cafe)
- HUMOR: Baby Blues on mantras